Saturday, May 13, 2017

Have I still got it?

This seems so foreign to the time that I have been gone, even social media has evolved, and blogging is somewhat of a relic....but I want it back.  If only as a confirmation that all I dreamed of has not moved beyond my reach....and also as I way to make contact with others and even as a personal check-in for my recovery....

So while I struggle at the controls, bear with me.  I have to re-acquaint myself with everything...including the new computer.  It may be a bumpy ride....but hasn't it always been?
Speaking of bumpy.... trying to get a photo of this little bugger to practice photo importing and posting was bumpy like the Rockies bumpy...I don't remember kittens being this uncooperative, but it's been almost two decades since I've had a kitten  in the house, so perhaps my memory is a little foggy on this point....


Susan said...

OMG YOU'RE BACK! :). Of course you still have it. It's just been on hold. xo

Michelle said...

You've got this. Blogging is FAR easier than almost all other aspects of life – even on a new computer. (Fortunately, mine has had no major learning curve...yet.) Welcome back, friend. I've missed you muchly.