My husband just shook his head and muttered...don't know how he missed the part about my being pre-vet in my undergrad....hmmm
The "ducks" as the city girl called them, turned out to be Canada Geese goslings. Kind of a love/hate relationship with them in these parts. Far too many of them have become squatters on local parks, ponds, riverways, and yards and have made poopy pests of themselves. At the same time, they are wild animals, and we have screwed up their habitat and normal hibernation patterns, so what to do?
There was no wildlife rehabilitator available, and these guys were already pretty imprinted on humans, so when my boss volunteered to take them to her mother's farm in Massachusetts, we agreed to keep them for a few weeks.
Look how incredibly fast they grow! In just two short weeks they have tripled in size. They are very endearing - nothing like the happy slip slap of gosling feet behind you as they waddle in determined focus, never letting you out of their sight.
It is going to be very hard to let these guys go...