Regardless of the kind of summer one is having, there are just certain things that have to get done. One of them is taking the best of the poultry to be tested for pullorem, prior to the county fair. As those who free-range their birds like we do can attest, there's no fun like trying to catch and cage a dozen or more chickens who have no interest in going anywhere except back to their business of running the yard...I'll save you the details, just picture hot, dirty, sweaty, scratched, covered in feathers and a good deal of chicken poo (all before 8 a.m.)
Here we are, everyone loaded in the back of the Baja:
And then Barty decided to check everyone out...probably throwing in more than a few cracks about being locked up while he gets to stay home, etc. etc. (I'm guessing - I don't speak turkey):
All back home by 10 ish with bling...silver ankle bands...very stylish.
Next it was off to pick Blueberries at a local farm. My "assistants" probably spent more time running through the rows or throwing drops at each other, but we still managed almost 20 pounds...and now time for jam!
Not a bad time, really. But a little crazy considering we still have this staring us in the face at home:
But I just can't resist a PYO...