Sunday, May 15, 2011

Breakfast at Susan's

Notice the title does not read, "Breakfast WITH Susan". It was just me and the critters.

Susan called early this morning with an "uh-oh" tone in her voice - she had a very sick lamb. Picturing Sue trying to finish all the morning chores and then hurtle down the highways to the vet's office, I volunteered to handle the feeding and whatnot, so she could go. I took the 10 minute drive south to her place (she shot past me somewhere around halfway, going north at a speed that well exceeds my age - that's all I'm going to say...)

I took care of all the birds (pictures are unnecessary, as a yard full of soaking poultry is not much to look at - did I mention it was pouring??) Checked on Marie Claire (the crazy chicken who is terminally broody), who promptly bit me, and decided to focus on the ruminants. They are much better breakfast companions.

I was forced to eat at the kid's table. (That's at the back of the hay feeder.) Acacia kept me company.
Apparently, the tastiest bits are on the bottom. Because Daddy ate with his face completely buried.
Seriously. Like almost the whole time.

So I took advantage of lambie moments with Juniper.
Lambs are the best part about breakfast at Susan's.

P.S. The sick lamb is better.
P.P.S. I sent Susan home with a waffle, so it really was breakfast for everyone.
P.P.P.S. We might have lamb pictures of our own in a bit; Secret is pregnant!