Thursday, April 18, 2013


Could someone please explain why we can't seem to get a ewe lamb on this farm?  I mean, really...
And he just HAD to be the cutest one yet.....sheesh.


Mama Pea said...

Um . . . too much testosterone?

He is A-DOR-A-BLE.

Michelle said...

Because you're destined to have a fiber flock? I've got FOUR wethers here now!

melanie said...

OK, I get it. Breeding fancy lambs may not be in our future...but one ewe....please??? Is one too much to ask for?

Michelle said...

I've had way more than my fair share of ram lambs but I won't ever complain again if I could just get two really nice ewe lambs out of Annabelle next spring!

Susan said...

I will have to come down and sprinkle the Girl Mojo on y'all!

Tombstone Livestock said...

You need to have twins then you have a better chance of getting a ewe lamb. OK, now what color are you going to call that one, I have 2 just like it, one ram and one ewe.

Elysbeth said...

Adorable! But yes, frustrating when you want a girl.

melanie said...

Secret (the ewe) had a large stillborn single her first pregnancy. I had to pull it, it was traumatic. I was happy last year when she had her lamb easily and on her own. I didn't even care if it was a single. But this will be her last year lambing, as she doesn't seem inclined to give us twins. And talk about a nasty disposition as a mother....too protective, if there is such a thing...

As for what color/pattern I'm going to settle on....well, give me a few days to think this over....

Michelle said...


melanie said...

...says the wise voice from the back of the room...