Monday, May 07, 2007

Has it been that long?

Shame on me! I get so wrapped up in jobs around the farm, and I forget to keep my blog family up to date...

Well, Madison has made real gains with Max, the abandoned kitty. As you can see, he trusts us enough now to eat from a bowl, and he has earned a bed on the front porch, toy included...

We've started with a flea/tick collar, to get him used to that, and to help him with the bugs. I've pulled four ticks off him already, but none since the collar. We can make it a "real" collar if he stays through the summer...

The sheep are on pasture full time. Here they are down by the pond, Hattie (center) and her first twins, Jack and Victoria. All camera hams.

The electronet gets moved several times a day to keep the sheep mowing, and tummies full. And Hattie has dandelion duty - she cruises the lawn and nibbles the yellow flowers off in each new section.

(Wonder what they taste like? Lemon? )

And, we are lighter on the rooster load by one. Ewok, the Ameracuana with attitude, found a new owner at the Fairgrounds Tailgate Poultry sale.

But we are up on the fence count...this one is totally decorative.

Flowers to come...


Lauren Dorsee Dillon said...

Your sheep are beautiful and look so clean, unlike my hay-covered VM magnets. I envy your weather and green pasture.

Kathy said...

What a wonderful setting you have there...I'm with Lauren - we AZ people tend to be very "poor" when it comes to grass pastures, a luxury here as you have very high water bills to keep them green.
We are very lucky as we actually have green grass in our pasture and a stream as well!
And I was so tickled to hear that Max is fitting right in!

melanie said...

Thank you ladies, for the compliments! Yes, we are lucky - grass is generally not a problem. Rensselaer County is blessed with lots of streams, aquifers, rivers, lakes, etc. and we love it. I can't wait to see how fat they really are when we shear...