Well, it seems nobody is immune from downsizing these days, and that even extends to bunnies. One day a month or more ago, the DH mentioned "a rabbit was ranging with the chickens today", and I (of course) assumed he meant a wild rabbit.
So, imagine my surprise when I glanced out the door to see a brown bunny (definitely NOT the wild bunny shade of brown) hopping around with the chickens. Yeah. That's what every farmer needs (in addition to the cats, dogs and chickens that get dropped off...) - a bunny.
So I scooted it into the garage, added a Have-a-heart trap loaded with apple, and shut the door. Two hours later - viola! Bunny-in-a-box.
This was where my bunny smarts ended. I have NO idea about bunnies, so we called out to the 4-H contingent. (Thank goodness we got an answer!)
My daughter's friend came over and showed us all how to handle the bunny, sex the bunny (a girl), put the bunny in show position, and generally confirmed that the bunny was a very tame, gentle, pet bunny.

And apparently, when you show a 4-H rabbit, this is exactly what you do to convince the judge you know your way around a bunny and are deserving of a ribbon. (Who knew?)
Simba did.

I can't believe that rabbit just laid there. Very tame for sure.
Ah, what a sweetie pie your new bunny is. You're a good person. And a thousand curses to the idiots that dumped it off. People never cease to amaze me.
How come mine never did that? I'm glad you found her a home. She's a cutie, for sure.
Aaaaaah! I've always loved bunnies but have only had one in my life (which my terrier mix dispatched by a heroic earthmoving feat.) )-:
Bless your loving heart and home, Sis!
Susan- did you ever TRY that with any of your bunnies?
Wow, he's adorable!
Interesting. I have heard of taming sharks by turning them upside down. Didn't know you could do it to rabbits.
Sad that someone appears to have dumped it like that.
Are you thinking of keeping Simba as breeding stock? (I think that means getting . . . um, . . . uh, . . . a boy bunny, too, huh?)
What a lucky little bunny she is. Bless you for rescuing her.
We are a "no bunny zone", here. Simba went to the 4-H home of my daughter's friend. If they show her in teh county Fair, I'll update with the results.
Glad you were able to catch it and make sure it got to a good home. It wouldn't have lasted long otherwise.
Um, yes I did. With ALL of them. The closest I got was with Blue, but I had to hold him like a baby to keep him from flipping around.
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