Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A "10" on the Farming Weird-o-meter

You know that loud, harried, incessant cackling a hen does after she has laid an egg?

Well, one of ours found it necessary to get out of bed at 2:09 a.m. and do her impression of the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene right under our bedroom window last night using that very noise.

For no apparent reason, other than possibly to run a farm-readiness drill to see how quickly the stunned humans could bolt out of bed, scramble for the flashlight, and hit the yard at that hour...


Anonymous said...

LOL! Very funny

Susan said...

And so, how fast were you? Inquiring minds need to know. Chickens are so totally weird.

melanie said...

I think we were too slow if the situation had called for actual shooting of a predator, but definitely faster than my addled brain could was an auto-pilot moment...

Melodie said...

Farm life...never a dull moment! Even in the wee hours of the morning!

Lilac Cottage Homestead said...

Maybe she was having a dream that she was laying a egg haha


thecrazysheeplady said...


Christy said...

Good thinking on her part. We can never be too prepared.

Anonymous said...

First time to your blog. can't tell you where I came from.

We are going to raise chickens but it won't be until next spring. Thankfully ours will be put up every night. too many foxes, coyotes and who knows what else in the middle of the night.

Elysbeth said...

She wanted your poor eye to have middle of the night exercise.

Hope you are well.