Sunday, August 05, 2012

Ooh-la-la...another good use for the juicer!

It is disgustingly hot.  Over 90 and humid as hell by noon.  Which of course means the tomatoes all come ripe NOW.  But we figured out a way to cut the heat and challenge of tomato sauce in August....
Ta-daa!  Throw them all in the juicer.  Which also has the bonus effect of being able to use the cherry tomatoes, which have such beautiful flavor, but normally are too tiny to bother boiling off the skin...
Afterwards, there is still lots of usable pulp, so into the usual food mill....
A few turns, and we get all the good stuff, and it's even more efficient than the old system!  Throw the garlic cloves, a few shallots, and the basil in the juicer as well.....and voila!  tomato sauce with half the bitchin'.....gotta love that.

Now put the sauce on the slow burner to cook, and walk away.  Hopefully into some air conditioned room far, far away from the kitchen.  Bring knitting.  Come back in a few hours.


Michelle said...

It looks like you got a system that rocks! But yes it does bite that canning season is also the HOT season. I'm thinking an outdoor canning kitchen would help....

melanie said...

Kitchens in the cellar used to be big with all my Italian I know why! Maybe a kitchen near a pool, or on a THAT I could get used to!

Susan said...

You can knit in this weather???! Great idea. I have two tomatoes that are thinking about possibly ripening.