DH hammin' it up last Spring with the new hive
It's finally time to tell you what happened to our first year of beekeeping, as many of you have wanted to follow along...It's often called a "dead-out". They didn't survive the winter. Figuring out why was a bit of an exercise; not really an necropsy (because we didn't cut up actual critters) but an analysis of the evidence, for sure...
We didn't see bee activity on any of the warm winter days. Typically, bees take advantage of those days to perform cleansing flights (potty runs) since they won't make a "mess" in the hive. There were no dead bees around the entrance or below, so we simply waited until early Spring just in case...
As soon as a warm spring day convinced me they weren't alive, I opened the hive. A few dead bees on the lid, a few visible on the tops of frames. We had left the hive with two deep supers (hive bodies) for the winter, and a wrap for warmth (although I have my doubts about the effectiveness of that). The top super was ridiculously heavy with honey. Rather than run the risk of warm weather spreading the inviting smell of honey to marauders (a bear has been seen in the area), I pulled it as soon as I could.
There was some brood but not the number I would have expected, and empty cells that had been eaten out, but generally not a lot of bees. Those that were found looked as if they had been frozen in a moment of time; some clustered, but others eating, and walking around/climbing as if on their way to a task. The cluster was pretty small and a few dozen bees were found down in the comb, literally eating to the very last drop. This is often a sign of starvation. I didn't see the queen, and the bottom board of the hive did not show visible signs of mites. We ruled out disease or parasites; but were concerned with the small amount of bees. Likely a fall swarming or a dead queen, both which would have left the survivors without enough resources to make it through the winter.
Death occurred early in the season; the top super was so heavy with honey I couldn't carry it up to the house, I had to drag it on a sled!
So, on to extraction. Each frame had to be uncapped using a hot knife to skim the caps off the comb. I saved even the scraps, and collected them in a pan.
Empty frames are then put back in the hive body to be used for the new bees coming in the Spring. This work took several very sticky, but very satisfying hours.
The scrapings were gently melted down. Honey can be poured off, wax saved, and other stuff thrown out. This honey is less desirable but no less usable - I bottled it for use during the year in baking.
From the hive we harvested more than 5 gallons of honey. I am left in awe of the bees.
Bee hives today are mostly designed with the ease of keeping and harvesting in mind. The Langstroth hive is the standard, named after a fellow in the 1800's that did extensive work with bees and discovered the idea of "bee space". He determined that bees need a certain minimum distance to work and live in the hive. If left with more space, they will fill it with wax structure and propolis. This reaction is a completely bee invention, but a nightmare for bee keepers as it sticks frames to the body, to each other, and reduces the maximum output of the hive. So most beekeepers simply put 10 frames in each body, all designed to keep proper "bee space" between frames and maximize honey comb.
When doing my initial research into beekeeping, I was struck by this calculated construct and didn't like the "feel" of it, since it reminded me of commercial farming which is designed to pull maximum production out of so much, without regard to its impact on land or animals.
Some beekeepers run 9 frames in each hive body which also affords a little more space for the beekeeper to manipulate individual frames (all while wearing bulky protective gloves.) I also liked the fact that running 9 frames instead of 10 gave me an extra frame to swap in if I wanted to move brood, honey, etc. So we built our hive with 9 frames. The bees took advantage, and filled the extra space. A little more work to pull apart the hive, but what a visual treat!
Who knew bees were interior designers?We were not discouraged by the loss of the hive; rather, we are more determined than ever to keep bees - we've order two packs for this year! Arrival in late May...
Wow! That space they filled in is amazing. Sorry they didn't make it, but better luck this year.
The hive we have here (rented) died, too. I am still hoarding my precious little jar of your honey.... :-)
Very, very interesting. Do you suppose the deaths are related to whatever is going on with bees all over the country?
If we had found lots of bodies with no obvious reason for death, I would have gone with CCD. (Colony Collapse Disorder). But because we found a small number of bees, and probably not a queen, we are leaning toward Fall swarming or death of the queen, which left a weak remainder who were unable to survive the winter.
Rats. As in bummer, not actual rats. Not sure about the necessity of wrapping, but an interesting tip that someone gave me (here, keep in mind). Over the winter, take a small stick, about the size of your finger, and prop the top cover up a bit so there is good ventilation. The bees - if they are in good number - keep each other warm in the cluster and don't care if the air in the hive is super cold...as long as it's not damp. I've done that for the last two years and have been pleased - down to single digits frequently. I always try to think of how they would live in the wild in say an open tree trunk...
Good luck with your new bees!
That is so stunning to see. What amazing amount of honey you got!!
I am sorry the bees didn't survive...when will the new ones arrive, and where do they come from?
That is amazing. Nothing like fresh honey. We may do bees next year. Right now I have too much going on as it is.
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