Sunday, November 23, 2008

What the pedicure was for...

Yeah, it's a non-farm post, but I gotta tell somebody.  Today was our sho-dan test.  I'm a black belt in Shohei-Ryu Okinawan karate.

(Wonder if that will make the goats behave?)


Unknown said...

So, your a kinda kick butt kinda mom? Its a great picture of your you take lessons as a family or individually? How long have you been training? A family friend of my parents trains & I think might own a karate training center down in the Atlanta area. Okay, I'll let you have the pedicure this time time I want to see the rhinestones too on the toes!!

melanie said...

Well, actually it has always been my husband's dream. He brought us along for the ride over four years ago, and here we are! We train as a family, and the dojo is small, so Madison trains right along with us - there are no "kids" classes.

I'm not sure I can do the rhinestones - after all, I still have boots to put on!

Michelle said...

So whadduya have your feet all scrunched up for? Show off those fancy toes! And congratulations on the achievement; too cool that you all do it together!