Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Out of the Shell

Finally, I am far enough out of my funk to think about posting again.  And how appropriate that it be about the new chicks; the harbingers of Spring, new life, and generally joyous little balls of energy.
They arrived at the end of April; not soon enough for Madison, and frankly, too soon for Lucky. She could have stayed under the heat bulb for days.

This photo certainly looks like a lot of chicks, but only 5 are ours.  

Most went to my boss (12 Black Australops) and three Ameracaunas and a Barred Rock are destined for another homestead.  Madison finally got her Silkie, and I am trying for a girlfriend for Gomer, the Old English Game Bantam Red Pyle we rescued from the Fair last year.  We won't know for some time if Speck is going to fit the bill...

And shortly after the chicks arrived, we got another "rescue" (more about that later, I have to go to work!)


Michelle said...

I'm sorry to hear it was a funk that kept you from us; I was hoping it was just spring busy-ness. Take care, friend!

melanie said...

Well, Spring busy-ness certainly kept me from dwelling on the funk, but a combination of computer frustration, fickle and flighty co-workers, and terminal poverty (not to mention national politics) kept me too grumpy to risk posting. I kept my grumbling to myself and the garden plants. They listen to all my mutterings, with no apparent ill effect...(*grin*)

Karin said...

I am so glad to see you're back!!! So sorry to hear about the funk. I do know what you mean. To post, or not to post...but truthfully, life just isn't all sunshine all the time...and so I decided a while back that some of my posts aren't exactly happy smiley ones....

BTW, those chicks are just toooo cute. Thanks for that.

Nancy K. said...

It's interesting how many of the blogs that I follow (and my own, as well!) are written by women who suffer from bouts of depression. At least we can empathize with each other and sometimes even help. Please don't hesitate to reach out!

Kathy said...

You've got to let us know when you're "Funkified", Mel...we were starting to take up a collection for any ransom note that may have appeared! Let me know if you'd like me to mail off some banty eggs. Willing to take a chance? or do you have enough? :)