Monday, August 21, 2006

Lambs meet Rooster

Angel says, "What's this? Secret, you have something on your butt..."

"What?! Is it a spider? Eeek! Get it off!"

"No, it's not a spider...kind of tiny for a chicken, though..."

"Let me just look under here...I'm sure I can figure this thing out...Yep, it's a rooster..."

"DO YOU MIND??? Honestly...where were you raised? In a barn??!? (sheeesh)"

"What does a rooster have to do for a little green time?" Secret says, "Stay out of our pasture, that's what..."


Nancy K. said...


I used to have a few chickens. They LOVED to sit on the sheep's backs. I had a real cute picture of one, on Alice, with the caption: "How chickens keep their feet warm ~ WOOL SOCKS!"

melanie said...

Sitting on their backs was actually my daughter's idea...the chickens are hers. We are planning to use them in the pasture to help with parasite control as soon as the county fair is over - I guess we'll see then how well they actually will get along! Could be another posting on the way....

I need orange said...

This is hilarious! :-) "You have something on your butt!" :-) lol.

-- Vicki in Michigan